There are two ways that a Mapsimise View can be shared, either to individual selected Mapsimise users or as a publicly accessible link.   However A Map is shared it will first need to be saved as a View, for more information on creating a View read the article Map Views.

Once a View has been created the “Share” button will become available, clicking it will launch the share options. 

To share a Map with other Mapsimise Users the “With other users” option should be selected or to make the Map available to everyone the “Public” option should be selected. 


A Mapsimise Map View can be shared with any User on the same Mapsimise Environment.  

The “View Share Options” window contains a search box where the Users name can be searched, the more characters of the User’s name that are entered the further the results will be refined.  Selecting a user from the drop down options will select that user.

There are two ways a View can be shared with a User, either the user can be added as a contributor or they can be added so that they can only see the View.

The User who created the View is set as the View’s Owner, however ownership of the View can be assigned to any User that the View is shared with.


The “Public Shares” window will show the instances where the current View is being shared.  To generate a new entry, click the "Generate a new public share" button.

There is a list of options when making a Map public from the orientation and visibility of the sidebar to the user’s ability to edit the Quick filters.  Once the desired options have been set clicking “Save Settings” will update the public map.

The Public Map can be updated any time from the base View and the map options.