Each record from the Mapsimise Datasource will be represented on the Map as a pin.  

The default colour, icon, shape and size of a Layer's pins can be set to reflect the data that Layer relates to.  

The pin next to the Layer’s name can be clicked to open the “Marker” configuration window.

The pins shape and colour can be selected from the first section.  The pin colour selection window can be opened by clicking the colour swatch.  The colour can either be selected from a pre-set option or set manually.

The pins shape can be selected from the available options and can be reviewed against a light and dark background.

The pin size can be configured by dragging the slider.

The pin’s image can be set by selecting from the available icons, this selection can be refined using the search box.

Mapsimise pin markers can also be customised to reflect the records data.  For more information on this see the article Marker Variations.