The below example uses the Map already populated with the records from the Salesforce Connector entities detailed in previous articles.  For information about creating a Salesforce Connector see the article Connecting to Salesforce with Mapsimise and for information on how to use the Connector to populate the map see the article Creating Maps with Salesforce and Mapsimise.

Mapsimise Maps

Selecting the Map section will initially display an overview of the current available Mapsimise Maps.  Highlighting a map row will enable the contextual "Open Map" and "Details" buttons.  The map's detail sidebar can also be accessed by clicking the maps name.  Any previously saved Map Views are also accessible via the sidebar and clicking on them will launch them in a new browser tab.

Only the active Mapsimise Map Layers will have their records displayed (for more information see the article Layers).  A Layer’s records can be further refined using any combination of the available Shape filters (for more information see the article Shape Filters).

The grid will show the selected Layer’s records, as the Data source for the records is Salesforce and the entity is a Contact the option “Add to Campaign” will be available from this menu.

There are two ways to add records to a Campaign, either creating a new list on the Salesforce system or exporting the records to a list that already exists.  Once an export location has been selected clicking the “Add to Campaign” will start the export process.

The number of records being exported will impact the length of time the export process takes.  Once completed a message box will allow the user to open the relevant Campaign in a new Salesforce window.