The below example uses the Salesforce Connector detailed in the previous article.  For information about creating a Salesforce Connector see the article Connecting to Salesforce with Mapsimise.

Map Creation

In Mapsimise a map is a way of displaying the records of a Data source.   If no Data sources are available, then a dialogue will be displayed showing ways of creating one.  Once either a Datatable has been uploaded or a Connector has been created the dialogue will not be displayed allowing the user access to the “New Map” button. 

When the "New Map" button is clicked it will open a dialogue allowing the user to name the new map.  

Layer Configuration

Once a new map is opened a new Layer will be created and the Data source configuration options will be shown. Of the dropdown options the “Connectors” option should reflect the name of the Salesforce environment. In the “Entity” options the desired Salesforce entity should be selected, this will pre-populate the “Geocode Rule” and “Display name” fields which can be further updated as required.

Once the Mapsimise Data source has been configured further options will be displayed, allowing for the naming of the Mapsimise Map Layer, the Data Filter applied to the records in the Data source and the amount of records to be displayed.

The last configuration screen allows the customisation of the record pins, from its colour, external and internal icons as well as size.


Connector authentication 

When a Connector first attempts to access a Data source it will need to be authenticated.  The credentials will be used with each subsequent query and when the Data source requests further authentication then this window will be displayed again.

Additional Connector entity Layers

Additional Layers can be added to a Map using the “New Layer” button.

A Mapsimise Map Layer can be configured to use any of the currently available Data sources each of which is configured in the same way as the initial Map Layer.

Layer Display fields

The available Data source’s records can be interrogated in two ways; all of a Layer’s records can be viewed in The grid or an individual record can be selected via its Map Pin.  The fields displayed in both The grid and the Info Bubble can be selected from the “Display fields” window from the selected Layer.

Initially The grid will be populated with the “Display name field” selected when the Layer was created.  Current fields can be removed using the associated bin icon and additional fields can be added by dragging them from the “Available fields” section.

The grid will display the returned records from the selected Layer.  The number of records the Layer returns can be configured in the “Viewport Options” accessible via the “Edit Layer” option.

As with The grid the fields for the Info bubble can be selected from the “Available fields” section.  The Info bubble also has additional formatting options which can be selected from the “Display items” section.

When any visible pin is selected it will display the info bubble with the configured fields and the primary field will link to the full record on the Salesforce website.