When a Mapsimise environment is created the registered user will be set as the “Owner” and will be given access to the Billing section.
When an environment is created the Plan will be set as Go, this will allow a single user to become acquainted with the systems and its functionality. Once the environment is upgraded to a paid plan additional upgrades to the account become accessible.
Each Plan package comes with a set number of Licences, Geocode credits and Datatable allowances. An administrative user can choose the current Plan or simply purchase and additional amount of any of the individual elements. The current Connectors are listed, and additional Connectors can also be purchased from the "Add-ons" section and added to the current Plan.
After the first transaction (and for each subsequent billing cycle) an invoice will be generated. An Invoice record can be viewed online and downloaded.
An Organisation’s Plan is calculated at a pro-rata rate and can be upgraded or downgraded at any time during the billing period.
Multiple payment methods can be registered for an Organisation, but only the current default card will be used to pay an invoice.
For a User to login to Mapsimise they will need an assigned Seat, if they do not have a Seat then a Licence will need to be available. Additional licenses can be purchased by any Mapsimise administrator.
For more information see Licences and Seats.

Geocode Credits
As part of the upload process the Datatable's Geocoding rules will have been set. If a latitude and longitude field is set then that will be used to place a pin on the map for the relevant record, if not the defined address fields will be used and the location will be Geocoding using the available address data. Each address lookup will cost one Geocode credit.
For more information on Geocoding see the article Geocoding Rules and Bulk Geocoding.
A Mapsimise Datatable is required for each set of records that is uploaded and can be purchased as multiples.
For information on Datatables see Importing your Data.